Homework at Edmonton County School
Homework at Edmonton County School
Homework is a key element of learning at ECS. All students are expected to complete homework set by their teachers, according to the school’s homework policy. Each student’s effort in homework completion will be recorded in each data window and shared with parents. We believe that homework is important because:
- It reinforces the learning that takes place in the classroom
- It broadens knowledge and enables students to practise subject specific skills
- It teaches students to learn independently
- It teaches students time management skills
- It prepares them for further study
Homework can be in the form of weekly tasks and/or half-termly ISBLs (Independent Skills-Based Learning projects usually completed over several weeks) and will be varied and differentiated to cater for a range of abilities. Homework tasks could include:
- written exercises
- conducting research
- pre-reading and annotating
- drafting, re-drafting,
- writing presentations
- completing online tasks
- structured revision
At Key Stage 4, teachers normally set ‘two-piece’ homework tasks, consisting of a practice, essay or research task AND a revision task. At Key Stage 5, teachers normally set ‘three-piece’ homework tasks, consisting of a practice, essay or research task AND a revision task AND a pre-reading / preparation task.
Teachers set homework using the satchel:one / Show My Homework (SMHW) online platform, which can be accessed at www.satchelone.com/login
Parental monitoring of Show My Homework
Parental monitoring of Show My Homework
Parents will receive a letter explaining the satchel:one / Show My Homework system and how to log in to their child’s individual SMHW account to monitor HW setting and completion, via a computer, phone or tablet.
- You will be asked to go to www.satchel.one/signup
- Enter the code provided by school
- Follow the onscreen instructions, using a current e mail address
To follow instructions directly from the Show My Homework site see link below:
Parents will also be reminded regularly (including at Parents’ Evenings and ARDs) of the importance of monitoring their child’s homework completion by using SMHW as part of a weekly routine.
Homework Timetables 2024-25
Homework Timetables 2024-25
Year 7 Bury Homework timetable 2024-25

Year 7 Cambridge Homework timetable 2024-25
Year 7 Cambridge Homework timetable 2024-25

Year 8 Bury Homework timetable
Year 8 Bury Homework timetable

Year 8 Cambridge Homework timetable 2024-25
Year 8 Cambridge Homework timetable 2024-25

Year 9 Bury & Cambridge Homework timetable 2024-25
Year 9 Bury & Cambridge Homework timetable 2024-25

Year 10 Bury & Cambridge Homework timetable 2024-25
Year 10 Bury & Cambridge Homework timetable 2024-25

Year 11 Bury & Cambridge Homework timetable 2024-25
Year 11 Bury & Cambridge Homework timetable 2024-25